
2 days until I go to China


Today it is only two days left until I go to China. I start to get nervous. What must I take with me? What kind of clothes do I need? I must give my sister a set of keys to my appartment. I need a haircut. I am thinking of buying a laptop that I can use when I am in China.

Well... the laptop thing... One will cost me about $750 and that is a lot of money for a computer for two months. I can sell it when I get home but how much will I get for it? I have no idea. So probably I will not buy one. I will need to find an Internet café regularly.

I have set up payment orders for my appartment costs. But I have some bills coming in next month so I must be able to pay them while I am in China. Well... there is much to think about... and I am sure (as always) that I have forgotten something.

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