My opponent plays as black and I as white. The opening went quite well except for a reading mistake by me on the upper side that was quite big. After the white invasion on the left side I felt I had to do the same on the right side.
RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[5400]OT[3x30 byo-yomi]
GN[EGC Main Tournament Round 10]PW[Boywing]PB[French guy]WR[4k]BR[6k]DT[2011-08-06]EV[EGC 2011]RO[Round 10]PC[Bordeaux, France]WT[Sweden]BT[France]RE[B+Resign]
(;B[qm]LB[qh:A][qk:B]C[Possible to invade at A or B]
;B[fq]LB[kq:A]C[Black can later play at A]
(;W[jc]C[Bad jump]
(;B[jb]C[Block from wrong side]
(;B[cl]C[White have several options]
(;B[oj]C[Ladder does not work for black.]
(;W[ok]C[Bad move]
;W[ap]CR[cq][dq][eq][cr][dr][er][cs][ds][es][fs]C[White will reduce a lot of points]))
(;B[om]C[Black can do better]
;B[nn]C[Painful for white]))
(;W[ml]C[White should leave his stone in atari]))
(;W[bn]C[White should start from this side]
;W[ap]LB[bi:A][aj:B][am:D][bn:C]C[A-B and C-D exchange is good for white]))
(;B[bn]C[Huge move]))
(;B[qc]C[Black should play here]))
;B[oe]C[Better for black]))
(;W[ic]C[White should play here]
(;B[pn]C[Black should play here]))
RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[5400]OT[3x30 byo-yomi]
GN[EGC Main Tournament Round 10]PW[Boywing]PB[French guy]WR[4k]BR[6k]DT[2011-08-06]EV[EGC 2011]RO[Round 10]PC[Bordeaux, France]WT[Sweden]BT[France]RE[B+Resign]
(;B[qm]LB[qh:A][qk:B]C[Possible to invade at A or B]
;B[fq]LB[kq:A]C[Black can later play at A]
(;W[jc]C[Bad jump]
(;B[jb]C[Block from wrong side]
(;B[cl]C[White have several options]
(;B[oj]C[Ladder does not work for black.]
(;W[ok]C[Bad move]
;W[ap]CR[cq][dq][eq][cr][dr][er][cs][ds][es][fs]C[White will reduce a lot of points]))
(;B[om]C[Black can do better]
;B[nn]C[Painful for white]))
(;W[ml]C[White should leave his stone in atari]))
(;W[bn]C[White should start from this side]
;W[ap]LB[bi:A][aj:B][am:D][bn:C]C[A-B and C-D exchange is good for white]))
(;B[bn]C[Huge move]))
(;B[qc]C[Black should play here]))
;B[oe]C[Better for black]))
(;W[ic]C[White should play here]
(;B[pn]C[Black should play here]))
I played a sequence on the right side that captured a stone in a ladder. Black soon played a ladder breaker and then pulled out his stone from the ladder. The problem was that the ladder breaker didn't work and neither I or my opponent read it out, we just assumed it worked. So instead we started to fight for a couple of moves and now black is ahead in the game.
I didn't really find anything to attack so it is more or less game over for me. We still played it to the end and I lost.
At the same time Girlwing played against a 6 dan again. It was a close game but she played a steady game and never gave her opponent a chance. In the end she won by 2.5 points.
So now totally Girlwing have seven wins I won three games out of ten. As I mentioned in my first post about EGC I didn't expect to win much in the first week but was hoping for better results in the second week. It was so true, but I didn't expect to play so many under ranked French players. I played against five French players the first week and I lost all five games. I feel I should have won one or two of these games. In the second week I won three out of five games, which is an OK result. Before next time I go to EGC I must do some practice before the tournament so I am warmed up and can be sure of my level.
The top two tables where the strong Koreans play.
Cristian Pop 7D and Dmitriy Surin 5D.
A lot of the players standing outside the playing venue for a group picture.
Price giving ceremony.
Dinner with the Finnish players and a couple of British as well.