
Star Wars X-Wing Origami

Would you like to create your own Star Wars X-Wing starfighter out of paper? Just use a square piece of paper and fold it in to this famous Star Wars starfighter.

I am sure it won't fly, but it can be good knowledge to impress your son, sibling or any other younger Star Wars fan.

Follow this origami instruction and soon you have your X-Wing starfighter in your hand.

If you think this origami is too hard or if you don't think it is fancy enough, you can try to print out the Star Wars X-Wing starfighter parts with your computers printer, cut them out and glue them together to something that looks like the thing here.

On this site you can find the free down-loadable parts to a lot of different Star Wars objects. They really look amazing! I guess you need a lot of patience to cut out all the fine details and a steady hand to glue them all together. I dare you to try!